
Ensalada Murciana / Murcian Salad

serves 2

7 ripe tomatoes
25 Manzanilla olives
1 red onion
2 x 80g tins of tuna
3 free-range eggs
3 tbsp olive oil
Maldon sea salt

1. Cut the onion into quarters and place in a bowl of salted water: this will reduce its strength. 
2. Put a pan of water on to boil. Carefully add the eggs; and boil for ten minutes.
3. Meanwhile, cut the tomatoes into uneven pieces ( this is the traditional way to cut vegetables*).
4. Add the olives.
5. Drain and add the tuna.
6. Drain the onion; and cut into uneven pieces.
7. Drain the eggs and immediatly cool under cold running water: this will stop the cooking process and, more importantly, stop a green film forming over the egg yolk.
8. When the eggs are completely cool; carefully shell and cut into uneven pieces.
9. Season well and drizzle over the oil.
10. Chill in the fridge for at least an hour.
11. Serve with fresh bread to mop up the juices.

* To cut the uneven slices (cachos): hold the item in one hand and the knife in the other as if paring, but cutting off small pieces.

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