
Moroccan Chicken Tagine

This dish is normally cooked in a tajine: I cooked mine in my Creuset. 
Any wide bottomed pan with a tight-fitting lid will do; the shallower, the better.

serves 5+

3 tbsp olive oil
2 red onions; finely sliced, lengthwise
2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 cloves of garlic
1 sachet or ½ tsp saffron fronds
½ tsp Maldon sea salt
1 free-range chicken; jointed and breasts cut in two
2 preserved lemons
2 tbsp chopped parsley leaves
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
3 tbsp black olives
Juice of ½ a lemon
175ml water

1. Heat the oil in the pan and add the onion.
2. Finely chop the garlic; add the salt, and using the side of a knife, grind into a paste. Add to the pan.
3. Put the saffron in a glass with a little warm water. Leave to one side while you add the spices.
4. Add the saffron infused water.
5. Remove the pulp from one of the preserved lemons and finely chop; before adding to the pan. 
6. Discard the pulp from the other preserved lemon and finely slice the rinds. Combine with the other ingredients in the pan.
7. Stir in the herbs.
8. Remove the skin from the chicken pieces you are going to use; I used the four breast pieces along with the two drumsticks. Freeze the rest.
9. Arrange the chicken pieces on the spiced onion base and finish with the olives.
10. Squeeze in the lemon juice and pour in the water; put the lid on, and leave to simmer for 45 minutes.
11. Leave to rest for 5 minutes before serving.
12. Serve with couscous or bulgur wheat. Finish with a little fresh coriander.

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