
Chicken Caesar Salad

First made by Caesar Cardini in Tijuana, Mexico on the 4th July 1924, allegedly. 

This version is egg-free and I have swapped the Romaine lettuce for baby mixed leaves. The next time I make this; I will be making it with limes, not lemons... apparently an error in translating the recipe from Spanish into English!

serves 2

300g chicken breast; sliced
100g pan de pueblo or ciabatta; sliced
2 sprigs of dried rosemary
olive oil
Maldon sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

~70g mixed baby leaves and rocket

for the dressing
1x 125g pot of plain yoghurt
1 garlic clove
4 anchovy fillets
1 lemon; juice only
120ml olive oil; you want a 3:1 mix - oil to lemon juice
90g Parmesan; finely grated

1. Heat a griddle pan or any heavy bottomed pan. Drizzle in a little olive oil and sprinkle over a few fronds of rosemary.
2. Season the chicken and cook in the griddle pan over a moderate heat until they have nicely browned lines and no visible pinkness. This will take 3 to 5 minutes per side; depending on the thickness of your slices.
3. When the chicken is cooked; remove to one side.


4. In a separate pan: drizzle in a little olive oil with another sprinkle of rosemary. Cook the bread slices until they are crisp and golden on both sides. Remove to one side.

now for the dressing...

5. Finely chop the garlic and anchovy together. Then, using a little salt and the side of the knife, crush into a paste.
6. Mix well with the remaining ingredients.
7. Break up the bread; roughly cut up the chicken, lay over the salad leaves, dress and toss...

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