
horchata/ orxata*

makes 1 litre

300g dried chufas (tigernuts)
900ml filtered/ bottled water
125g caster sugar

The story goes that Jaime I ,after kicking out the Arabs, was having a little ride around Valencia. He  was handed a XIII century container of horchata causing him to remark: "això no es llet, això es or xata!" which translates to "this is not milk, this is gold girl!"... cute, but unlikely. 
The more probable explanation is that horchata is derived from horteum the latin for barley. Barley water had been drunk since Roman times; and here in Valencia the tigernut replaced the barley but the name remained the same.

1. Cover the tigernuts with water and leave to soak for 48 hours, changing the water after the first 24 hours.
2. Drain and blitz along with the water for a good 3-5 minutes in a food processor.
3. Strain through a milk bag or fine kitchen towel.
4. Add the sugar to taste. Transfer to a container and chill in the fridge for 4-5 hours.
5. Serve with Fartons :-)

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