
White sourdough

Makes 1 small loaf

250g strong white flour (0,0)
4g Maldon sea salt
150g tepid water (filtered or bottled)
75g sourdough starter

1. Weigh out the dry ingredients separately form the wet.
2. Add the dry mix to the wet one and bring the lot together with a wooden spoon, then your hands.
3. Once you have a ball of dough and a cleanish bowl; it's time to get stuck in - kneed your dough for about 10 minutes. I drizzled a little olive oil onto a large wooden board and kneaded the dough until it reached the 'window pane effect'
4. place the dough back in the bowl, cover and prove for an hour.
5. Now you can shape your dough and place it onto a lined baking tray or place in a proving basket. In both cases you should flour the top(what's visible)
6. Leave to prove in a warm, moist place for 3 hours. I turned my oven into a proving oven by bringing the oven up to 140ºC and turning it off; tipping a small cup of water onto a lower baking tray and hey presto, you have a proving oven.
7. If you have used a proving basket - gently tip your loaf onto a lined baking, decorate the top and gently slide into the oven. Bake for about 30 minutes or until golden brown. 

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